Explaination of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
By Father Martin
of Cochem
I) The Nature of Holy Mass (Continuation)
holy Catholic Church, in the Ecumenical Council of Trent, teaches us
what manmner of sacrifice or sacred oblation Christ has given to and
ordained in His Church.
I) The Nature of Holy Mass (Continuation)
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Father Martin of Cochem |
as, under the former Testament, according to the testimony of the
Apostle Paul, there was no perfection, because of the weakness of the
Levitical priesthood; there was need, God, the Father of mercies, so
ordaining, that another priest should rise, according to the order of
Melchisedech, our Lord Jesus Christ, who might consummate, and lead
to what is perfect, as many as were to be sanctified. He, therefore,
our God and Lord, though He was about to offer Himself
once on the altar of the cross unto God the Father, by means of his
death, there to operate an eternal redemption; nevertheless, because
that His priesthood was not to be extinguished by His death, in the
last supper, on the night in which He was betrayed, -
He might leave, to His own beloved Spouse the Church, a visible
sacrifice, such as the nature of man requires, whereby that bloody
sacrifice, once to be accomplished on the cross, might be
represented, and the memory thereof remain even unto the end of the
world, and its salutary virtue be applied to the remission of those
sins which we daily commit, -
Himself constituted a priest for ever, according to the order of
Melchisedech, He offered up to God the Father His own body and blood
under the species of bread and wine; and, under the symbols of those
same things, He delivered (His own body and blood) to be received by
His apostles, whom He then constituted priests of the New Testament;
and by those words, Do this in commemoration of me, He commanded them
and their successors in the priesthood, to offer (them); even as the
Catholic Church has always understood and taught.
and more besides, holy Church teaches us, and enjoins upon us to
believe that in the Last Supper Christ did not only change bread ands
wine into His body and blood: He also offered them up to God the
Father, and thus instituted and ordained in His own person the
sacrifice of the new covenant. This He did in order to show Himself
to be a priest according to the order of Melchisedech, of whom Holy
Scripture thus speaks: «Melchisedech,
the King of Salem, brought forth bread and wine, for he was the
priest of the most high God, and he blessed Abram.»2
The text does not
here expressly state that Melchisedech offered sacrifice to the most
high God; but from the first the Catholic Church has understood this
to be meant, and the fathers have thus expounded it. David himself
interprets it thus when he says: «The
Lord hath sworn, and He will not repent: Thou art a priest forever
according to the order of Melchisedech.»3
both Christ and Melchisedech offered sacrifice is to be inferred from
the words of St. Paul,l writing to the Hebrews: «Everty
high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices.»4
«Every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in the
things that appertain to God, that he may offer up gifts and
sacrifices for sins.»5
And almost immediately
after he adds: «Neither
doth any man take the honoir to himself, but he that is called by
God, as Aaron was. So Christ did not glorify Himself, that He might
be made a high priest, but He that said unto Him: Thou aret My Son,
this day have I begotten Thee. … Thou art a priest forever
according to the order of Melchisedech.»
And again: «And
being consummated, He became, to all that obey Him, the cause of
eternal salvation, called by God a high priest according to the order
of Melchisedech. Of whom we have much to say, and hard to be
intelligibly uttered; because you are become weak to hear.»6
these passages it is evident that, since Christ and Melchisedech
were high priests, they both offered oblations to the true God.
Melchisedech did not
sacrifice victims, as did Abraham and the earlier adorers of the true
God, but, acting by the inspirations of the Holy Ghost, and at
variance with the custom of the times, he sanctified bread and wine
with certain prayers and rites, raising tzhem aloft, and offering
them to God as a holy, acceptable offering. Thus be became a type of
Jesus Christ, and his offering a type of the bloodless sacrifice of
Jesus Christ under the New Testament. Now since Christ was not
anoited high priest by God the Father according to the order or
manner of Aaron, who slaughtered victims, but according to the order
of Melchisedech, who presented bread and wine as an oblation, it
follows that He also exercised His priestly fuctions during His
lifetime, and offered to God an oblation of bread and wine.
we ask, did Christ exercise His priestly office according to the
order of Melchisedech? At the Last Supper, when He took bread,
blessed it, and said to His discibles: «Take
ye, and eat: This is My body.»
In like manner,
taking the chalice with wine, He blessed it, and gave it to His
discibles, saying: «Drink
ye all of this, for this My blood. Do this for a commemoration of
that occasion, therefore, Christ exercised His priestly office after
the manner of Melchisedech. For if He did not do so then He never did
so at all throughout His whole life, and in that case He would not
have been a priest according to the order of Melchisedech. And yet in
what exalted language St. Paul describes His priesthood: «The
others indeed were made priests without an oath, but this with an
oath, by Him that said unto Him: The Lord hath sworn, and He will not
repent: Thou art a priest forever. ...But this, for that He
continueth forever, hath an everlasting priesthood.»8
we see the truth of what the Catholic Church teaches in the Council
of Trent: «He
offered up to God the Father His own body and blood under the species
of bread and wine; and, under the symbols of those same things, He
delivered (His own body and blood) to be received by His apostles,
whom He then constituted priests of the New Testament; and by those
words, Do this in commemoration of me, He commanded them and their
successors in the priesthood, to offer (them); even as the Catholic
Church has always understood and taught. ... And this is indeed that
clean oblation, which cannot be defiled by any unworthiness, or
malice of those that offer (it);
which the Lord foretold by Malachias was to be offered in every
place, clean to his name.»9
offering of this clean oblation was predicted by the prophet
Malachias in the following words: «I
have no pleasure in you, saith the Lord of hosts; and I will not
receive a gift of your hand. For from My name is great among the
Gentils, and in every place there is a sacrifice, and there is
offered to my name a clean offering.»10
the fathers of the Church consider this passage to refer to the
sacrifice of the Mass. For this prophecy does not find its fulfilment
in the Old Testament, but in the New, wherein are also fulfilled the
woprds which were spoken by God the Father to His Son: «Thou
art My Son, this day have I begotten Thee. Ask of Me, and I will give
Thee the Gentiles for Thy inheritance.»12
was accomplished when the heathen were converted to the faith by the
preaching of the apostles. The sacrifice here predicted by Malachias
cannot be that which was offered by Christ on the cross, as
non-Catholics assert; for that was made in one place only, on
Calvary, not in every place, as the prophet declares. Nor can the
suppositrion be entertained that the prophecy refers to a sacrifice
of praise or of good works, for these are no obligation in the proper
sense of the word, nor are they always a
clean oblation; as the prophet says: «All
our justices are before Thee as a filthy rag.»13
prophecy is consequently to be understood as expressly referring to
the holy Mass as the one only and true sacrifice of the New
Testament; an oblation in itself perfectly pure and holy, which is
offerd up to God the Father in all times and in all places by Christ
Himself through the instrumentality of His priests. Christ is the
chief High Priest, our priests are but His servants, and He makes use
of their hands and their lips for the offering of a material
sacrifice. It is because Christ in His glorified body is not
perceptible to our senses, it being at the same time necessary that
there should be a visible victim seen by mortal eyes, that He employs
the cooperation of the priest in offering up His sacrifice. This
oblation will continue to be offered until the end of the world.
is alleged against us as a reproach by non-Catholics that the word
Mass is not found in the Bible. This is unquestionable true, but the
same may be said of the word Trinity, yet we are bound to believe
that sacred mystery. … In the writing of the early popes and
doctors of the Church we frequently meet with the word Mass; witness
the writings of St. Clement, the third successor of St. Peter, and
those of Popes Evarist and Alexander, who lived in t6he first
century. St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, St. Chrysostom, and other holy
fathers of ther Church, make use of the word Mass when speaking of
the sacrifice of the New Testament. St. Ambrose writes: «I
remained at my post, commenced saying Mass, and during the sacrifice
I besought Almighty God to come to our assistance.» St.
Augustine says: «We
see, in the lections which are ordered to be read in the Holy Mass,»
etc. Both
these doctors of the Church, who lived three hundred years after
Christ, employ the word Mass, which shows that it was certainly in
common use at that time.
the apostles were in the habit of saying Mass we learn from Sacred
Scripture and the lives of the apostles. St. Matthew was stabbed at
the altar whilst offering the holy sacrifice. Tradition relates of
St. Andrew that he said to the judge: «I
offer daily to the Almighty God upon the altar not the flesh of oxen
or the blood of goats, but the spotless Lamb of God.» Liturgies
for the Mass composed by the apostles St. James and St. Mark are
still extant. The Canon of the Mass is ascribed to St. Peter, and
other parts were added by some other holy popes. From all that has
been said it follows that Mass was celebrated in the Church from the
very beginning, and that it has at all times been regarded as the
true sacrifice of the New Testament.
of Trent, Session XXII. Chapter 1.
XIV. 18.
CIX. 4.
VIII. 3.
V. 1.
v. 4-6, 9-11
Matt. XXVI. 26-28; St. Luke XXII. 19
VII. 20, 21,24.
XXII. ch. 1.
I. 10, 11.
II. 7, 8.
LXIV. 6.